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Shanghai Bund - 上海滩 - Bến thượng hải - 12

4 Lượt xem· 03/09/23
1 Người đăng ký

It's the year 1930. Xu Wenqiang was expelled from his university when he was captured by the police during a protest. That was the last time he saw his university love, Xiao Yun. After he got out of prison, he went to Shanghai. He quickly got in touch with Xiao Yun again. But soon he found out that she had changed. She was now the woman of Shanghai… more <br />Category: HongK Drama <br />故事讲述了1930年代的上海,那个处于内忧外患、商会充斥与爱国民族主义抬头的大时代。初来乍到的许文强无意中救下上海滩头号商会大亨冯敬尧的爱女冯程程,并与闸北贫民区长大的丁力结为生死挚友。在旧恋人方艳云的帮助下,得到冯敬尧的赏识,自此强和力同在上海滩闯出名堂。强和力都对程程一见倾心,三人展开一段错综复杂的爱情故事。但当强发现冯敬尧与日本夫勾结,遂暗地里破坏冯敬尧的阴谋。冯敬尧发现后下令追杀强,强逃往香港并与贫家女阿娣结婚。一日,强外出返家发现全家惨死,为报血海深仇决定重返上海……

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